Our Story - by Swarna

Food and cooking has been my fascination and passion from as far as I can remember.. so if I can make a living doing what I am passionate about, what else do I need?

When I was growing up, most of my fond memories are around food. My mom is one of the best cooks. My brothers as well as most of my aunts, uncles and cousins are great cooks too. What I have learnt from them can never be taught in a school, but can be shared through the food that I cook.

For me cooking is like entering Utopia every day. I feel fresh and I feel new when I cook. So far, I have never complained to go shopping for groceries - it is one of my favorite pastimes.

To think, write, follow a recipe, or try a new dish for a family of 4 might be easy. But doing so for 10 to 20 families is not child-play. I look forward to those challenges every time, and I eagerly await feedback, wondering if my calculations were correct.

What do I look forward to in the future? To cook with more of locally grown produce, directly bought from farms. To reduce plastic usage (I do not like to fill food in the plastic food containers). To be versatile and not stick to one particular type of cooking. To give back to our community. To help eradicate hunger.

What am I thankful for? People I grew up with (good tasty food used to be a main part of our day). My family (they put up with me and make me move forward in spite of so many hurdles on the way). Nature (my battery gets fully charged when I take a break from work and be around God's creation of natural wonders).